Sunday, October 23, 2011

Shoots and leaves

This is not the James Bond stuff to shoot and leave. This more of the shoot-and-flush kind 'cos the title refers to ‘shoots and leaves’ as nouns.  

This blog is coming your way, since I told a patient yesterday '"Take fibre" and he gave me a look as if I told him to take his neighbor's' wife or the neighbor himself and asked 'Fibre?'  I understand that my blog readers are an intelligent lot and know shit from Shangri-la… but do you know that dietary fiber is the Shangri-la to prevent a lot of problems.

Our lifestyle has changed so such that our food contains very little amount of fiber.  Fiber is essential to maintain a healthy digestive system.. it softens your poop and ensures a quick and smooth passage. You could call it a travelator of the intestines.

First off, dietary fiber is the undigested residue that is majorly presented in the outer plant wall material.  You could find truckloads of them in fruits, vegetables, peas, lentils, nuts and seed etc. Don't waste your time looking for them in sodas, alcohol, fast foods and dessert. 

Ok.. here is what a fiber-rich diet can do to you.  It lowers your cholesterol… the rascalas of  heart problems.  It also lowers the blood glucose levels and hence useful for people with diabetes too. The best part is fiber rich food is ideal for weight-watchers as it is fills up your stomach without much calories.
Fibre ..optical or dietary is here to stay .. so make hay 


  1. Superb...shifting to fiber...rope, jute, hay..!!! old monk

  2. Good info... Is oats fibre rich?

  3. @ Viresh - Rope and jute are to be used as a last resort .. When the bucket is kicked

    @ Ramesh - Yepp it is.. Plz continue ur sugarless oat breakfast.. It makes ur intestine's and my life simple

  4. Need some high powered fibers to add to my diet..? what say....? M

  5. wish I knew this

  6. Good info on fibre :)

  7. Very interesting and informative blog. I loved it.
