Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bien venido 2012

Good morning and Happy New Year 

Right now, while you still have some alcohol and fat in your body from last nights' New Year's Eve party, it's time to make your New Year’s resolutions. 

You may ask - Why make resolutions? You need to make them so that you can become a better you, a more-attractive you, an organized you, a healthier you,  in short - less like you.  Forget the reason, do it because it is customary to do so.

Making resolutions is easy, the problem is sticking to them. A group of psychologists wanted to study the reasons why people don't stick to their New Year resolutions. The first week they found 90% of the study people stuck to their resolutions. After 2 weeks, we have no idea what happened, because the scientists stopped monitoring!

Here are some suggestions to enable you to stick to your goals 

MAKE REALISTIC RESOLUTION - Here is an example of an unrealistic Goal ''I will lose 10 kgs this year ”. A realistic goal would be  “I will drink only 2 pegs in a party and gain only 5 kgs.”

Typical Resolution 1       - Save money for the rainy day 
Interesting alternative  1  -  Enjoy the rain dance today 
Typical Resolution 2       - Spend more time with your family
Interesting alternative 2   - Spend more time with your secretary (male/female as applicable)

MAKE POSITIVE RESOLUTIONS - To succeed, you must believe in yourself. Write this motivational statement in large letters on a piece of paper and tape it someplace where you will see it often, such as on the inside of your eyeglasses   

     'I can do it, and I will do it , starting next year .. 2013'


  1. Thought this quote might be appropriate

    "We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential." -- Ellen Goodman

  2. Hahahahaa fantastic stuff...Resolutions are Paradox of life..No resolutions, no promises, no will do this, no will not do that...Live Life King size - Manage your subjects, Work hard, Network to grow, Party with friends, Listen to your doctor and feast on Ayurveda... Just do what makes sense!! Stay Fit, Stay Healthy, Stay Inspired...drink Old Monk hic! go to heaven...Reincarnate! Keep rockin in 2012...2013 follows...Keep walking you will be there!!

  3. I also made a resolution that i'll not forget what my resolution was on 1st
    3rd Jan 2012

  4. Nice cartoon, very appropriate. Keep it up VJ. Love your blogs - DG
