Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Friends - Finding and Fending

I've made an important discovery recently and it is not a lip plumping lipstick, or a new brand of Wonderbra ... not even how to make your ass look tighter. 

(To what extent one needs to go to get eyeballs on da blog) Anyways .. guess they worked and I have your attention since the topic is a little uninspiring 

It's on friendships... Connections. I discovered that sometimes certain people are thrust into our lives for a reason and some for no reason. 

Let me fill you on why I got this thought. I have been living in this apartment along with 25 other families for the past 10 years. I don't know their names excepting one who happens to be my close friend. One fine day, disturbing my post noon nap, I get a call from one of them requesting me to attend a ' Get-to know-your neighbors session' asap. She remembered that I existed and called to invite me only after my friend brought my absence to her notice. Do I want to know her? I mean we have been co-existing peacefully for several years without knowing each other. Would I want to upset this equilibrium.? The answer is a clear ' No'. However I did attend the meet, had the chaat and stuff and came back without knowing any of their names. 

Coming back to friendships. After a while, we kind of get so used to our existing friends that the very idea of taking trouble to know someone new is alarming. The majority of my friendships have been class mates, college mates, work colleagues and weight watchers at my gym.  And there are those who are not connected in any way, but I guess they are there for some reason. Familiarity may breed contempt but maintaining a known devil as a friend is easier!

Just occurred to me that the difference between a romantic relationship and platonic friendship is that love is blind whereas friendship tries not to notice. The one I am addressing here is a mutualistic symbiotic relationship. Yes, I need them. Need them as much as I need the good bacteria in my intestine. I house around 30 - 40 species of them. But do they need to get introduced to me like 'I am Peptococcus ....Peptostreptococcus' a la Bond style!!!

Anyways, its my turn to host the next get-together. Not sure how to wriggle out of this predicament. Shall let you guys know how it went. 

"I always like to know everything about my new friends, and nothing about my old ones" 
-  Oscar Wilde. (1852)

"I know everything about my old friends and I want to know nothing about the new ones '               - Oscar Wilde ( 2012)


  1. heyyy..:)..I can totally relate to everything you've elucidated here..and I am certain I could never put it as eloquently as you did, Sadhna!!

  2. hi.. sadhna very well written so apt and so like you ....gud goin !!

  3. Loved this blog...could relate to it totally :-)

  4. Karmic theory (of which I am a believer) states that people (friendly or otherwise) show up in our lives, the interactions and duration of the relationship is related to the soul lessons each has to impart to the no choice in the matter...all might as well lay down and .....

  5. Best way to resist temptations is to yield to it!!-Oscar Wilde...go on be a known neighbour....enjoy under protest and mix around under compulsion...Old Monk!!
