Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Kolaveries and kool memories

This year was as much fun as were the previous years. It was the chinese year of the rabbit and disappeared just as quickly. 

Up and Down 

  • Markets continued to go down, skirts kept going up. 
  • Gold prices sky rocketed while neck lines plunged
  • Petrol prices up.. Poverty line definition is still low. 
  • F1 at Delhi rocked and Sachin's100th Century is still on the rocks. 

Here and there

  • Rajinkanth's Robot collected more money at the parking lot than Ra one did at the theatres
  • Desi boyz had a new meaning for 'size' among male escorts .. shoe size!! my foot!
  • Heroines wear so less clothes that they can now wash their 'dirty' clothes in the kitchen mixer ...oooh la la
  • Kingfisher Calender for 2012 to feature Vijaya and Sidhartha Mallya .. oh la la la le oh

In and Out 

  • Big Boss had a special visitor Sunny Leone ( google for surprise/ shock depending on your taste) 
  • India had the most awaited celeb this year.. Little Miss world and Rajini's latest heroine. 
  • Tihar jail had its share of celebrity inmates this year and there is a thought to conduct Parliament sessions in Tihar jail to prevent MPs from walking out. 
  • Rahul or Mayavathi.. If one had a statue day, the other played pigeon and vice versa.  Well what can I say other than ' Wait for March 2012' 

To all my friends, family  and other blog friends, thank you for visiting my space. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs as much as I enjoyed writing and reading your comments. 

Happy New Year!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Peeing habits - Tiger versus Man

An interesting information came my way last night from a friend who had recently visited a tiger reserve in Madhya Pradesh. Tigers can turn their pee device to 180 degree and pee all around! Amazing isn't it?  


Freeze that info for a moment. I will come back to it shortly since I have other stronger views to express on peeing. 

I live in an uptown street in my city and the Governor of the state happens to live down the lane. But every time I walk to my gym, I need to cross a stretch of area where men shamelessly urinate in public. I am not talking about just the cab drivers or the street vendors or even the homeless (hence the looless) who indulge in this exceedingly disgusting behaviour... men owning fancy cars too do that sometimes

If the sight of men peeing in public offends me, the double standards irks me even more Why don’t we see women peeing in public?  So does that mean having the right equipment can exempt the males from the rules of etiquette? Wait a sec..I am not exonerating women folk completely. They have contributed to this menace too. Who taught men to pee on the roadside walls to begin with or rather who could have taught them not to do so? It’s the mothers .. they made their little boys feel that the world is their loo.

If tigers can pee to establish their own territroy, why can't men?  I mean why can't they wait and relieve themselves in a pee territory called toilet?  Or are these the men who can't be a tiger in bed but think that they can be a 'tiger in peeing' by doing so in public? 

“Elsewhere, one can kiss in public, but one can’t piss
In India, one can piss in public, but one can’t kiss”

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jaibreaking.. the curent craze?

‘Get me ur Ipad.. I will jailbreak it for you’ said my friend’s 16 year old son yesterday. Geez… whatever we might do to look young, these younger lot have a way of making us look ancient. Hence the blog on ‘JAILBREAKING’ for all my friends who have hormone laden teenagers at home.

Jailbreak apparently refers to removing the limitations posed by Apple on its devices like Iphone and  IPad so as to enable the use of other unauthorized applications. That means you can load Non I-store applications or download the paid apps for free. Don’t be surprised, jailbreaking is legal in US. Somehow I fail to understand the logic. It is akin to the riots which happened in London where people walked away with TVs and mobiles and someone says it is legitimate to do so. 

Breaking laws/ rules/ codes seems to have their own appeal and agenda as breaking prisons and marriages have their own purpose ..... which is Freedom.  Remember we used to dance the night away to the1980's number 'I want to break free' by the British rock band Queen .. I am sure all the married folks are still singing it. 

Now for my favorite one liner on Jailbreak 

What are you doing here? Was there a jailbreak at the zoo? 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The devil is the Retail

Last few days we have heard of nothing but FDIs -  Foreign Direct Investments. I am not wasting cyberspace, writing about the devils on the 'R'etail or against it.  Instead I am keying down my humble opinion as an 'aam aurat' on whether I want FDI.  

It's a yes from me .. a BIG YES. The reasons being 

  • It gives greater access to a wider global market.
  • It helps in the introduction of world-level technology and technical know-hows 
  • It increases the competition in the domestic market leading to improved quality and lowered prices
  • It provides exposure to globally valued skills. 
  • There are other unwritten benefits too. Retail therapy is known to be therapeutic to some of urban ladies who are single, depressed or just bored. 
  • Retail outlets are the new hang-out place for youngsters-in -love. 

So what are we scared about? With a 1.2 billion population and counting we have room for all. Macdonalds and KFC did'nt drive out Haldiram's or Sarvana Bhavan. On the contrary many of the local eateries have completely re-invented themselves and are doing well.  Wal mart. Carrefour and Tescos would probably do the same in the retail sector. More than the domestic retailers, the two groups who stand to gain the most are the farmers and consumers.

To embrace prosperity we must be willing to change and change involves both winners and losers. 

Will the Kirana shops be replaced by 7-11? 
Or are they more likely to be re-christened 10-10 or  8-12?