Saturday, December 10, 2011

Peeing habits - Tiger versus Man

An interesting information came my way last night from a friend who had recently visited a tiger reserve in Madhya Pradesh. Tigers can turn their pee device to 180 degree and pee all around! Amazing isn't it?  


Freeze that info for a moment. I will come back to it shortly since I have other stronger views to express on peeing. 

I live in an uptown street in my city and the Governor of the state happens to live down the lane. But every time I walk to my gym, I need to cross a stretch of area where men shamelessly urinate in public. I am not talking about just the cab drivers or the street vendors or even the homeless (hence the looless) who indulge in this exceedingly disgusting behaviour... men owning fancy cars too do that sometimes

If the sight of men peeing in public offends me, the double standards irks me even more Why don’t we see women peeing in public?  So does that mean having the right equipment can exempt the males from the rules of etiquette? Wait a sec..I am not exonerating women folk completely. They have contributed to this menace too. Who taught men to pee on the roadside walls to begin with or rather who could have taught them not to do so? It’s the mothers .. they made their little boys feel that the world is their loo.

If tigers can pee to establish their own territroy, why can't men?  I mean why can't they wait and relieve themselves in a pee territory called toilet?  Or are these the men who can't be a tiger in bed but think that they can be a 'tiger in peeing' by doing so in public? 

“Elsewhere, one can kiss in public, but one can’t piss
In India, one can piss in public, but one can’t kiss”


  1. Only bright lights can change that so break zikra wall and have few shops... your ending is the best!!LoL. Recently heard that now in mens toilet the peepots will be gamepots with screens in front. You draw or score points playing with pee and use peedoodle as the joystick!!! Old Monk

  2. LOL.... Never had this thought how tiger would be peeing :)....... Good one..... Kabba

  3. Well! While on the subject on "peeing", I recently read on the net.

    " If your dick is too small to shoot straight into the pot, sit and pee like the woman you are"
