Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Matching bottoms

I remember during my childhood days, when salwar kameez were not common in South India, people used to take the kameez material to the cloth ctore and say  'Give me a matching bottom'.  ;-) .. Over here I am referring to matching bottom as in real ones.

Most of us have heard that couples are usually matched by the sense of humor, height, social parameters etc. I read somewhere the most consistent matching parameter between compatible couples is the 'ass size'. Couples of the same ass size flock together

Decided to check it out first hand. What better occasion than Valentine's Day and what better place than a nightclub!  Of course theaters would also have been a suitable place, but the anatomical part in question would have been obscured since sitting would be inevitable at the cinema. Incidentally do you know the current term to assess the success of a movie? - it is 'bums on seat'.  Though Don 2 or Ra1 had Shahrukh, it still could not put in more bums on seat. Mr Khan probably need to avoid movies with numbers Good that 3 idiots had Aamir and '3' has Dhanush and Kolaveri. 

Let's come back to my research on the 'Deeply-in-love' and the 'Bored but staying together' (read married) couples  There was I, looking at people's tushies when they were peering into each other hearts  I know it sounds weird. But here is what I found. Yes.. there was significant matching. Older the couple, more the matching.. 

Now for the conclusion
When it comes to choosing, it seems we choose 'ass' wisely as possible. 


  1. Was your "Night Out" so boring that you ended up watching people's bottoms???

  2. You forgot more details which I should refrain from commenting at this juncture. We have a wonderful topic for our next get together to discuss it 'ass' much as it requires.:-)

  3. I didn't know Ass match also existed :).. Kabba

  4. And the bottom line is....

  5. Hey the anpnymous was me-Suma

  6. 9 on 10 for the 'Ass' factor! Old Monk
