Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What women want?

"Women demand mobile phones, they are not demanding toilets... Sanitation is the much more difficult issue," said the Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh at the launch of Asia-Pacific Regional Millenium Development Goals Meet. 

His loose comment may have left many uncomfortable and may also have forced him to offer subsequent explanations, but the fact of the matter is sixty percent of people practice open air defecation in a country which has 700 million mobile phones. 

Women demanding toilets are far and few and may appear as headlines. In Madhya Pradesh’s Betul district, tribal woman Anita Nrrae’s insistence on having a toilet at her in-law’s place had not only compelled her husband to take up the issue with the panchayat at his village but also made Sulabh International adopt Anita’s village for its “Total Cleanliness Drive”.

But it is not a paradox as Mr Ramesh says. There is a difference between a need and a want.  A need is something you have to have.  A want is something you would like to have. That's basic concept of economics. . A child needs to have proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. But it  wants to have toys and ice cream.  Do we blame the child and shame it in public or give him what he needs? 

Does the State need to perceive the needs of the people or blame the people for not realizing their needs? Whose responsibility is it anyway? 

Now that the we have had all this shit...  we should now demand for toilets to flush it down !!


  1. it is our collective responsibility......lets all visualize a India where every citizen has enough to eat, a roof over their head, hygienic living conditions and good basic education........the encouraging aspect is that we can afford all these..we are not poor, its just that wealth is unevenly distributed......lets get back the 1.5 trillion stashed abroad, stop building billion dollar homes and ensure that our wealth is not siphoned of by the elite (which includes us btw) ..........collective positive visualization can make wonders happen.......the trick is we need productive elite and not parasitic elite at the helm of affairs...all it takes is a change in thinking....JAI HIND !

  2. We are one of the countries who can afford a lot of things... But we are lazy or should I say selfish... That's why the parity between Rich and Poor is increasing day by day... Kabba
