Sunday, May 6, 2012

I don't - the new vows

Getting a divorce will soon be speedier and easier in India after the government amended the Marriage Laws Amendment Bill last week.  Women will also be entitled to a share of the property from the marriage, the quantum of share will be decided by the court on case-by-case basis.The new clause also allows one-time settlement instead of monthly maintenance in case of divorce.  Sample this ...Mr X  got divorced. He and his ex-wife split the house. He got the outside!

The mandatory six-month clause for filing of divorce will now be waived off on grounds of irretrievable breakdown. According to the new Cabinet Note, while a wife can oppose a husband's plea for a divorce under the new "irretrievable breakdown of marriage" clause, the husband will have no such rights to oppose if the wife moves the court on the same grounds. So it is just a ' I can't get along with him' for a women who wants a divorce.. and 'Why the hell can't you get along with me?'  for a woman who doesn't. Win-win .. YES  ... progress .. progress.... Not sure  

While the reforms are broadly welcomed by women, some are concerned by the new grounds for divorce. The International Association of Masculinists, a Men’s Rights Organization  dedicated to creating a world where Men are seen as worthy of kindness, respect and love. (Didn't know such an organization existed) has come out in the defense of the poor, 'on-the -bench-of divorce' Indian men.  Their chief concern being - Why the bias?  What happens when women is wealthier.. do the men get a share of the marital property? 

In India, with a huge rural-urban sociological divide, not sure where there is going. Dowry or cash/ gift exchange is still common in rural and sociologically backward families.  Prenupt is going to become common and so would Live-in relationships. Me thinks they should amend the marriage vows to .......... I, ____, take you, ____, to be my lawful wedded (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death or divorce do us part.

I personally feel that it is pay back time for men for all the atocities done by their forefathers. and I am happy that I am woman. 


  1. What can I say? Fight for your rights, if I am thrown out, dont even have an is simply out-of-the-house..errr Flat!! Time for Mens Lib Assc to fight Female Chauvinist Pigs - Any takers!! ....jeese Old Monk!

  2. Great. This makes a marriage so much un-desirable and a living relationship has become even better. Guys, for a change, now it is better to have it and keep it in the fridge too.....

