Friday, July 27, 2012

Auto-filling your thoughts

Are you lost, unsure or bored? Then you can entertain yourself by trying some google autofills. It works like this... if you type the words “why do ” into Google’s query box it will lead you to a drop-down list of searches suggesting the next most likely conclusions. I have done this several times and trust me, it truly funny. These Google’s search engine algorithms, I understand are prompted by one’s location and often by search preferences. While some are in awe for its uncanny predictive accuracy, others find it as obnoxious as an intrusive Mom-in law.  I get a feeling the Google auto complete must have been designed by a married woman since they are adept in completing  thierhusbands' sentences, thoughts and questions.  

Try typing...'Is it Wr ' 

It is not only wrong Sir, it is probably a bad idea too to sleep with your mother, dog, cousin or your teacher. 

Here are some more funny ones. Type ' Do fa ', you would get the following prompts
1. Do farts light up on fire ?   (the answer is YES .. but don't try it.. there are simpler ways to have ur A** on fire like using certain words on ur boss)
2. Do farts have germs?  ( I checked out this one out and the answer is No ) 

Now on to some Indian Politicians 
Try Manmohan Singh.and the first thing which shows up is ..Manmohan Singh  is a puppet 

Try Narendra Modi and you will get 
.... is a married man a bastard
.... is a criminal
Narender Modi is not alone. A Japanese man discovered that the autocomplete function produced results of criminal acts in association with his name and has filed a petition against Google demanding it suspends the autocomplete function. 

Of late, many people have started hating Google instant. I wonder why the company is restricting the search when they claim they want to increase the user experience. Though there are various suggestions on how to turn off google's auto-suggestions by adjusting the settings, the simplest I do is ignore them and complete what I intended to. 

Either wear blinders or be prepared to get amused. 




  2. I would prefer to get amused :) Its actually fun on GOOGLE :)

  3. google lets you ogle..oodle...drool....& brood! meow...Old Monk

  4. Google is entertainment for me :) Kabba
