Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Light at the end of the tunnel

Good news from the recent Harvard Medical School Newsletter …  sexuality is not just for the young. Results from a University of Chicago survey suggested that over half of Americans remain sexually active well into their 70s. For most previous studies 59 years was the upper limit.  However, the Chicago study focused exclusively on 3000 older adults between 57 to 85. The results have lent some legitimacy to the subject of sexuality of older people.

More than the outcome of the study, what caught my attention was that - the older adults were now found suitable for study ....  I mean someone actually had this bright idea that older people may be still doing it. Previously older people weren’t included in studies of sexual behavior because they were seen as largely irrelevant to the topic. Written off since they could not participate in the procreation process? 

That said, the results did show that sexual activity does decrease with age. Biological factors do tug in that direction, as do social arrangements. Older people, especially women, often end up single when a spouse or partner dies. Statistics show that at the age of 70, there are 5 women to every man. Isn't that an ironic time for a guy to get those odds? 

In UK, the Manchester City Council published 5,000 copies of sexual education booklet specifically designed to educate elderly people about sexual issues. The reason being elderly have very little experience with condoms or have forgotten how to use them and hence the medical problems were increasing in the elderly! 

The point is – In India do we really care?  We have such social taboos out here that we do not even encourage the young to indulge. No public display of affection... premarital sex is a complete no-no, live-in relationship are still not accepted. So in our country, which researcher would be  interested in studying what the oldies are doing with their goodies. 

So my dear 'ol frens .. men and women .. there really is no pause. The tagline 'Do till you can'.  

Remember 'old' is when you don't care where your spouse goes, as long she does not force you to go with her. 


  1. Aha! So youth like us can take solace from this fact that even after another 50 years, we will still be coming strong or otherwise. Thanks....

  2. Very funny.. ROFL - S
