Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bermuda Colony

Kabba once declared that she has a property in Bermuda Colony. That was when we were on the way for her grandpa’s cremation at Puri. Not exactly the best of time to be discussing practical stuff. But discussing about grandpa and funeral was not getting easier either. A senior Uncle was recalling the grandma’s funeral which took place at Puri few years back on a mediocre budget. I was puzzled. Even funerals had a budget??  Got to understand that these things worked as package depending on the number of firewood they use  The more the better and of course costlier. He mentioned that for Grandpa they had worked out a higher package. In a serious note, he added ‘Next time, we will use the Electric crematorium’.  All of us wanted to roll on the floor laughing, but then we had be reactionless... How could one react for a comment like this?  Funerals are not an annual event to plan for the next time. Anyways in India, it was taboo to talk about next time at funerals. In fact when people visit a funeral house, they are supposed to leave quietly. No ‘Phir milenge’ at Indian funerals please.

As we sat quietly for a change of topic, Kabba came up with the statement that she has a property at Bermuda Colony. Of course I thought, Bermuda off United States of America ...  the Bermuda Triangle. It seemed possible since she has made quite a few trips to that country and I thought she had managed to convert the green papers to a patch of white sand in the deep blue sea.  Hmmm .. may be in a Nudist colony in Bermuda.

But her cousin Leena did’nt seem to think the way I did. She proceeded to question her  Which Bermuda? ... Where Bermuda?

Meanwhile my mind wandered to Bermuda’s contribution to the world. It was bigger than even America's. What will the world do without the Bermuda shorts? Even  our Tamilian politicians had replaced their striped chadhis with Bermudas inside their transparent dhotis. It had become a fashion statement. My thought was abruptly interrupted by Leena who shouted loudly BORAMONDA !!  Boramanda is apparently a residential colony in Orissa, which Kabba rechristened to ‘ Bermuda Colony’  

Last heard Kabba is planning a getaway at Bermuda Colony for those who want to get away from their spouses, fiancés , girlfriends and boyfriends.  Me thinks it would be a runaway success. How thoughful, we really need this and now.

Getaway or Runaway .. its Kabba all the way

This happened when we were on the way to cremating my father-in law. I was in the van with my husband's nieces and brother-in-law


  1. Ohh GOD!!!! Kabbaka seems to be a big time goof nontheless she gave all due respect to the BOROMONDA colony as BERMUDA:-) , Must say totally worth it..and sadhna aunty do tell me more about the electric cremation...bdw who was it...lemme guess Raghunath seriously-....superb!!!!!

  2. was my great this blog is by far the best from the archive...rocking!!!!!

  3. indeed a rocking one....ohh i forgot peda daddy...but must say indeed an innovative way for cremation..was he watching star wars or everything aside...fanastic effort by sadhana aunty...totally worth it...hey BOROMONDA!

  4. Thanks Leena..
    @Archana , scrap the auntie stuff. That .. and the touching feet etc keep it for real time. Out here you can address me as vj
    @ Kavita - Thanks for offering me the Platinum membership at Bermuda colony. I will try to rope in prospective clients for you
