Thursday, June 16, 2011

Flat is in

Acknowledgments to Friedman for 'The world is flat'  ... 
Yes.. the world is flat, TVs are flatter and mobile phones flattest. This flatness mania is not limited to gadgets alone, it has taken on humans as well.  Don’t believe me?  Take a look at all the beauty pageant models, Hollywood/ bollywood starlets and even your own friendly neighbourhood people. Did we have these many number of slimming centres ever before.  That the results are not showing is a different issue altogether.... shall take it up in another blog. 

When corporate men were busy downsizing, the fashion conscious women were sizing-down.  Size ‘zero’ sadly is not a passé, my friends. It is as 'in' as oversized sunglasses and big handbags. Ahh.. talking about oversized sunglasses, I remember getting a email forward where sizes of sunglasses wore by the women were larger than their bikinis. That indeed is a commendable observation, considering that the person even noticed that the 'hardly-there-bikini' clad women were wearing glasses! ( Yes, the mail is still there .... for those doubtful or curious, I could send it across :-)) 

Let me take you back on memory lane – Your first TV was monstrous but still you loved it. Your first mobile phone was probably even bigger than your Ipad, but you still lugged it around. And not to forget our heroines, Sridevi, Ramba and Nagma... Boy.. they set the screens on fire and they didn’t even have to strip unlike the Munnis and the Sheilas. I wonder what they did to all those card board bras.... well at least Shahid has found an use for it as butt enhancers.

Flat abs is good... but how about flatness elsewhere?  I guess this is what would happen .. read on   

A flat-chested girl with limited funds went to a surgeon to get her breasts enlarged. The surgeon performed the cheapest procedure possible, which entailed the girl to flap her arms up and down when she wanted to enlarge her breasts. Later the girl went to the local bar to check out the results.  She spotted a guy, walked towards him while flapping her arms and asked him coyly, ‘Do I know you?’
’No’ , he answered, while furiously flapping his legs together, ‘but I think we have the same doctor’


  1. ALL THAT IS FLAT IS NOT FUN ....high time girls realised dat its futile to compete wid LCD TV...they can get da shape but can never entertain in MUTE....!
    way to go...gud stuff!

  2. cool flat is IN..will go under the knife 'n' be flat...for good abs if thats on!!

  3. The 'flat' in human anatomy is so terrible , way down the ages when people will see our 'flat images', they will have long discussions as to what would have led to such abuse of the human body. Children at school will debate the subject, others will find reasons why we were subjected to the 'Flat' and the conclusion!
    They will never find any historical evidence to prove that ! - LG

  4. Good one. I loved it. I should say I've become a big fan of your blogs - S. Vincent (US)

  5. Good one. The model in the pic seems to have Minus size! - J.Ramesh

  6. Good send me the email forward...waiting to see that :-))

  7. Good one Vj :).... flatness elsewhere is no good :)

  8. flat is good...... great......I am sooooo happy. Need not go in for the surgery!!!! good write up!!

  9. lol! the last story was crazy! but yeah.... you write really well aunty! :)

  10. the flapping stuff is ingenious...lmao!!
    - Manjari
