Sunday, November 13, 2011

Amigos, say adios to Mid life Crisis

It is out officially… Ra one was apparently Shah Rukh Khan’s most expensive mid life crisis.

If you are bothered that you are no longer young and old age is imminent, you’ve probably entered the middle-aged zone through its main gateThe Mid Life Crisis.   Nature's way of telling you  “Heyy buddy.. you are no longer useful”

Mid life crisis is mostly apparent in the age group of 40-60 which includes most of my blog readers  ( the young 'uns reading this blog are bound to reach there some time). Interestingly the crisis lasts for about 3 –10 years in men and 2–5 years in women. Ahh..women always seem to have it good. We live longer and we tend to worry less that we are getting old. We only worry about looking old.
A classic example of mid life crisis is Kevin Spacey’s character in American Beauty who gets bored with his suburban life and crumbling marriage and discovers that dreaming about his daughter’s  female friend can awaken him from his emotional coma. Hope this visual helps (I put this picture up to catch the attention of the 40ish male readers  planning to skip this blog)

 Now that I have your attention, be aware that mid life crisis could be triggered when
-       One realizes he/ she is no longer a tiger or tigress in bed.
-       One loses a loved one ( either he/ she ran away or passed away) 
-       Children leave home ( for higher studies or whatever) 
-       One retires ( you have nothing else to do)

When a man realizes his sexual drive is decreased, the first predictable reaction is to have a image make-over (going for hair transplant/ wardrobe change). Some may  go a step further and have an affair with someone young to see whether he has really lost it.  Or he may spend huge amount of money on something irrational and fanciful just like what Mr Shahrukh did.

Be smart.. don’t waste your money .. set it aside for your knee, hip, coronaries, lens, and other body part replacements.. Head to Thailand instead… no better place to tide over your mid life crisis - its cheaper, better, badder and  bolder.

Don’t agree? I have another option, say Om in Rishikesh. I just did that last week 


  1. To avoid disclosure of your age, say you went to Paris instead of Rishikesh - no one is checking your boarding pass !


  2. I will be heading this crisis...given me a good insight on how women take it...ha ha..proud that we women dont fuss about it like men ;-)

  3. Good one, got a good insight :D... Kabba

  4. Dear VJ,

    U have your own 'ada' e.g., style of narrating the story. Its great fun and quite endearing....keep it up. May the spirit continue to flow everywhere....

    Just V

  5. I would still advice an affair with a younger woman....Its better to try and fail rather not try at all..haha..Good blog VJ and keep blogging..Cheers
