Monday, April 2, 2012

When small felt good

As a smallish person, I have felt cheated since I am subsidizing for those who are bigger, larger, taller and I do not like it. 
When I buy 'S' size clothes, I pay the same as someone who wear XXL. There is roughly 50% more material and I still pay the same. Isn't that unfair? 

Take the example of air travel. When my baggage is overweight by even 5 kgs, they make me pay for those extra kilos.. but how about those overweight people, who are twice my weight. They pay the same cost as me and occupy more space and in fact occupy parts of my space also... When Air France decided to charge their overweight passengers extra, three-quarters of travelers believed that the airline is right in doing so.( the remaining 25% had to be the overweight people) . Though the Air France ' Fat tax' seems a bit harsh, we can pass it off as a step towards controlling Obesity. I have a good idea to solve this. Why not have a100 kg per ticket policy.. the passengers and baggage weight should not exceed 100 kg. .. it looks like a win-win situation.

The list of larger people enjoying more perks is endless .. they consume more oxygen, eat more at ' All-you-can-eat buffet', understandably generate more waste, cause more wear and tear on sofas and carpets. How about a ' largeness tax' , where we could just measure people and charge them accordingly. Tch.. tch.. our politicians will never come up with that one, since they will have to pay the most. ( I do know a thin and rather famished looking politician .. KCR of the Telangana)

However this Sunday, things changed. I realized on one occasion, being small had its own perks. I was having a full body massage for 45 minutes. Voila.. it was then I realized I had more value for money since I was small. Here is the math - lesser surface area.. more time to massage.

Though it feels good to know that I do have an edge over largish people on the massage table, I get a feeling that I may have just made more enemies.. Hope they have a large heart and a larger sense of humor too


  1. The most expensive and exquisite stuff comes in small packages! diamond, emeralds and rubies!! feel good dear!

  2. Let me get this agree that size matters ....its just that you would prefer small

  3. Funny.... But don't you feel confident when walking with large friends like me.... We tend to bounce people off and kind of protect un - P

  4. Charge by Volume! Old Monk
