Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My hubby’s latest crush

Someone asked my husband who he wanted to be in his next birth ... he said promptly.. (and understandably) Vijay Mallaya and in case it had to be a woman... well he wanted to be Mamta.. Yes you heard me right .. Mamta Bannerjee. I was shocked. Not that my hubby didn’t admire other women but they were mostly dumb-witted, trying desperately to look good, 20 something bimbettes. But Ms Mamta was different. Apart from being single, she matched no other usual criteria. 

Here is the reason ..she defeated the world's longest-serving democratically-elected communist government in West Bengal Assembly election in 2011 and became the first woman Chief Minister to hold office in that state.  She had won over 77% of the total seats. And she didn’t have any damn relative in politics .. father or mother (god or grand), uncle or aunt ...a mentor or even a boyfriend.... so no question of nepotism. I believe there was no corporate sector support either. 

These achievements didn’t come easily. It took her 35 years to get here. She came from lower middle class background and by sheer individual effort became the general secretary of Women’s Congress at 22 years. When she was 42, she came out of the Congress Party and established the All India Trinamool Congress. Her educational achievement is  also worth mentioning .. she has a master’s degree in Islamic history and holds a law degree as well. However throughout her political life she remained austere .. no fancy clothes or 1001 shoes or sarees, no expensive jewellery, no visits to exotic holiday resorts ... and probably no visits to a local beauty parlour too. This woman surely had a plan.

As I write this, my hubby dear is trying to fix a meeting with her and take her autograph and a photograph. Well, that will be pic of my husband with a woman which I will not delete.... I may even let hang it around in my house since my husband considers her something akin to Gandhi, 'cos here is a woman who fought against the system democratically and liberated the land from the red rule.

Here’s hoping that someone would do the same for India ... free us from the power-crazy, money-hungry politicians and political families.


  1. I seriously had no clue she inspires him so much...will ask him when I meet him in person this time :-) I too will now have to develop my respect for me!!!

  2. LOl Mamta Banerjee of all........... I didn;t know anything about her background.... Nice enlightenment :)

  3. Thanks for the blog I am better informed now.

  4. One thing did not surprise me.. that his latest crush happens to be from Kolkatta.
