Saturday, July 9, 2011

CRI and you

My cousin from the US was inspirational in getting me to write a blog on my field of expertise .... which is making money by making people live longer to make more money, to make us make more money  Anyways, I am not going to charge you for getting a tip or two out of this blog to stay healthy.  I would trade it instead for a dinner or drink when we meet. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting to you my first medical related blog on Computer Related Injury or for the laptop users called Laptop-itis - pain in the back/neck/wrists

All of us have laptops. It has become as universal as having a spouse. Going by the declining sex ratio, a few years later a guy may have a computer and Wi-fi but not a wifey. Well the point is, we will be spending long hours with the computer and hence we better learn to surf smooth.

The most common injury is of the wrist. And yes friends… we have name for it - CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME (CTS) and it may be as high as 30% among the computer users.  It occurs due to repetitive movement of the wrist  (Pl note- My blogs are meant for men of a certain age where I expect that keyboard use would be the only source of this movement) To avoid this problem, ensure that your keyboard is at the level as your elbow so that wrists are not bent.

Now coming to how to avoid backache and neckache. Your body should form a 90-degree angle at your elbows, knees and hips. This may sound like an instruction from a finishing school, but that is the only way out. While sitting pretty, like a beauty pageant queen,  you may well remember to keep your eyes  straight ahead at the top third of the screen to avoid eye fatigue. For those using bifocals, make sure that you don’t throw your head back to read through the spectacle bottom. Get yourself a proper reading glass instead to avoid pain in the neck. 

The only real possible danger of a laptop is thermal radiation. When placed on the genitals ( the most common position), heat from the laptops may cause infertility. Guys, studies do show that laptop can be potential sperm killers. Wait ... keeping it on your thighs, isn’t going to help either, unless you want to have  ‘Toasted Skin syndrome” (Oooooh, I love my fraternity, they are the best in the industry in creating  ingenious nomenclatures) . My take on how to protect your vitals is use it at a desk or use a laptop stand.

As you mail/surf/watch/download, let there be some gap between your lappy and your lap!


  1. Very good one. I loved the 'toasted skin syndrome' part. It was hilarious. Keep doing more of these. It is also very informative - SV

  2. Thanks for all the tips...will treat you with some good bhubaneswar non veg delicacies ;-)

  3. my 2 cents worth...shoulders should not crunch up meaning elbows should be low enough that shoulders are in a relaxed posture......also objects that one would use frequently need to be close by so that one doesn't have to reach out for them..example mouse phone, calculator etc.

  4. too good vj..shall follow....all the u did nt specify wat r the infertility rates in women....i guess it applies the nontheless a good learning ...shall pass on the same to my friends untill they want to get infertile or have a toasted skin syndrome..:-P
