Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rule of the road …from a woman

Well, men think that women are bad car-drivers.  But what the heck, for most of us it’s just an appliance of transport. We do not mind if the dash lights flash, clutch plate fails ( mine recently did), the engine makes ugly noises or even if a little smoke shows up as long as the car starts and does not stop midway. We do not spend hours discussing models and the numbers. It is a matter of interest or a lack thereof.  I see nothing wrong in using something in which we have no great interest…. We use it because it is convenient and available at home. Most of my married women friends would understand what I am saying. And my dear male friends, before you get me wrong, let me make it clear that I am referring to the use of mixers, blenders, washing machines and dryers J. Frankly my ‘give-a-damn’ meter reads 0.0 as far as cars are concerned unless it is an expensive car with a handsome hulk behind the wheels (in which case it soars higher than the meter)

Women use the car more practically.

We use the mirror to check our make-up.
We use the shelf by the back window to store a lot of personal stuff.
We hang in a lot of items on the rear view mirror including beads and teddy bears.
We talk and text when we drive (that’s possible since we can multitask)
We bond big time when we take our girlfriends in the car.

Now coming to the act of driving itself, ‘good driving’ is a very relative term just like ‘good looking’. I enjoy driving… I have my own style. I am sure all women do. Some women drive very close to wheels, some upright and some others barefoot. There is no yard stick for measuring the style quotient for driving anyways.

I think I am an excellent driver, but most of my male co-drivers don’t seem to think so. They keep insisting that the gear should match the acceleration, the clutch should be released appropriately, the brakes should not screech, the care should not swerve and so on. All these sound like quantum physics to me. I have only one point of argument for my guy friends. Check out the RTA statistics - Men cause / are involved in more fatal accidents than women. Maybe because men drive more on average and are known to take more risks. Whatever may be the reason, we are safer drivers.

As far as I am concerned, I drive fast. I do not let other cars overtake me. But I am safe … and I have only one Rule of the road – Do not irritate fellow drivers, pedestrians, cows, dogs and uninterested pot-bellied traffic policemen.


  1. Hold on gals....well written butt... butt.....just realize that men treat their cars and women (plural intended) with the same tender care...Well, let me be honest, on several occasions, we do feel the need for a tool...sorry, gal...alas. Lest, if men treated women the way you gals treat your car/s (a wish never granted)...this world would have seen three versions of the World Wars in one, on the very same day a car was invented. Better not to treat cars and men as tools just the way you don't wanna be.....


  2. Thank heavens I have a male driver !


  3. beg to differ..know of this babe....after a recent lunch date...drives her jap car like a ferrari...side swipes a poor guy ...doesn't even realize that she has hit someone (must have thought that sound was from the engine).....and gets out of the sticky situation just bcoz she is cute....
