Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Kolaveries and kool memories

This year was as much fun as were the previous years. It was the chinese year of the rabbit and disappeared just as quickly. 

Up and Down 

  • Markets continued to go down, skirts kept going up. 
  • Gold prices sky rocketed while neck lines plunged
  • Petrol prices up.. Poverty line definition is still low. 
  • F1 at Delhi rocked and Sachin's100th Century is still on the rocks. 

Here and there

  • Rajinkanth's Robot collected more money at the parking lot than Ra one did at the theatres
  • Desi boyz had a new meaning for 'size' among male escorts .. shoe size!! my foot!
  • Heroines wear so less clothes that they can now wash their 'dirty' clothes in the kitchen mixer ...oooh la la
  • Kingfisher Calender for 2012 to feature Vijaya and Sidhartha Mallya .. oh la la la le oh

In and Out 

  • Big Boss had a special visitor Sunny Leone ( google for surprise/ shock depending on your taste) 
  • India had the most awaited celeb this year.. Little Miss world and Rajini's latest heroine. 
  • Tihar jail had its share of celebrity inmates this year and there is a thought to conduct Parliament sessions in Tihar jail to prevent MPs from walking out. 
  • Rahul or Mayavathi.. If one had a statue day, the other played pigeon and vice versa.  Well what can I say other than ' Wait for March 2012' 

To all my friends, family  and other blog friends, thank you for visiting my space. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs as much as I enjoyed writing and reading your comments. 

Happy New Year!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Peeing habits - Tiger versus Man

An interesting information came my way last night from a friend who had recently visited a tiger reserve in Madhya Pradesh. Tigers can turn their pee device to 180 degree and pee all around! Amazing isn't it?  


Freeze that info for a moment. I will come back to it shortly since I have other stronger views to express on peeing. 

I live in an uptown street in my city and the Governor of the state happens to live down the lane. But every time I walk to my gym, I need to cross a stretch of area where men shamelessly urinate in public. I am not talking about just the cab drivers or the street vendors or even the homeless (hence the looless) who indulge in this exceedingly disgusting behaviour... men owning fancy cars too do that sometimes

If the sight of men peeing in public offends me, the double standards irks me even more Why don’t we see women peeing in public?  So does that mean having the right equipment can exempt the males from the rules of etiquette? Wait a sec..I am not exonerating women folk completely. They have contributed to this menace too. Who taught men to pee on the roadside walls to begin with or rather who could have taught them not to do so? It’s the mothers .. they made their little boys feel that the world is their loo.

If tigers can pee to establish their own territroy, why can't men?  I mean why can't they wait and relieve themselves in a pee territory called toilet?  Or are these the men who can't be a tiger in bed but think that they can be a 'tiger in peeing' by doing so in public? 

“Elsewhere, one can kiss in public, but one can’t piss
In India, one can piss in public, but one can’t kiss”

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jaibreaking.. the curent craze?

‘Get me ur Ipad.. I will jailbreak it for you’ said my friend’s 16 year old son yesterday. Geez… whatever we might do to look young, these younger lot have a way of making us look ancient. Hence the blog on ‘JAILBREAKING’ for all my friends who have hormone laden teenagers at home.

Jailbreak apparently refers to removing the limitations posed by Apple on its devices like Iphone and  IPad so as to enable the use of other unauthorized applications. That means you can load Non I-store applications or download the paid apps for free. Don’t be surprised, jailbreaking is legal in US. Somehow I fail to understand the logic. It is akin to the riots which happened in London where people walked away with TVs and mobiles and someone says it is legitimate to do so. 

Breaking laws/ rules/ codes seems to have their own appeal and agenda as breaking prisons and marriages have their own purpose ..... which is Freedom.  Remember we used to dance the night away to the1980's number 'I want to break free' by the British rock band Queen .. I am sure all the married folks are still singing it. 

Now for my favorite one liner on Jailbreak 

What are you doing here? Was there a jailbreak at the zoo? 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The devil is the Retail

Last few days we have heard of nothing but FDIs -  Foreign Direct Investments. I am not wasting cyberspace, writing about the devils on the 'R'etail or against it.  Instead I am keying down my humble opinion as an 'aam aurat' on whether I want FDI.  

It's a yes from me .. a BIG YES. The reasons being 

  • It gives greater access to a wider global market.
  • It helps in the introduction of world-level technology and technical know-hows 
  • It increases the competition in the domestic market leading to improved quality and lowered prices
  • It provides exposure to globally valued skills. 
  • There are other unwritten benefits too. Retail therapy is known to be therapeutic to some of urban ladies who are single, depressed or just bored. 
  • Retail outlets are the new hang-out place for youngsters-in -love. 

So what are we scared about? With a 1.2 billion population and counting we have room for all. Macdonalds and KFC did'nt drive out Haldiram's or Sarvana Bhavan. On the contrary many of the local eateries have completely re-invented themselves and are doing well.  Wal mart. Carrefour and Tescos would probably do the same in the retail sector. More than the domestic retailers, the two groups who stand to gain the most are the farmers and consumers.

To embrace prosperity we must be willing to change and change involves both winners and losers. 

Will the Kirana shops be replaced by 7-11? 
Or are they more likely to be re-christened 10-10 or  8-12?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I apparently have a problem. I mean I have lots of them like being supremely intelligent and good looking. No I am not complaining about any of these. There is a peculiar problem which I have. I am a Listophiliac.  I make lists ... lots of them. 

Lists help us keep organized and productive. In addition to the routine ‘grocery list’, the daily ‘to- do’ list and other lists for the taxmen,  I have 200 other active  lists. Here are some 

  1. List of things I need to google – Ohh, these include a lot of new words like jailbreaking, affluenza, baggravation and what was that camelfinger.. or toe?
  2. List of files I need to duplicate/ back-up - I keep backing up all my files in six different storage methods including some hand written scrolls which I have buried in my mothers house. (The future East Sea Scrolls ?)
  3. List of the places I have been and places I plan to visit – Including hotel names, the tariff, the size of the bathroom
  4. List of food I dislike -  this one is the longest with more than 300 entries including vegetables, lentils, fruits, scorpion kebabs, smoked lizards and other creepy crawlies
  5. List of formal and informal grudges – This include historical fights, family transgressions and trivial personal vendettas.  (I may forgive, but forgetting is out of question)
  6. List of friends currently out of flavor - I am considering changing it to those in favor.. its shorter.
  7. List of people with obnoxious habits.
  8. List of my medical complaints –  This one is the shortest  .. has only two entries - headache and severe headache
  9. List of my hubby’s girlfriends – all of them are either a Bannerjee or Chatterjee .. and an occasional Deb
  10. And a list of the lists

The lists keep changing. I enjoy making them as much as I enjoy changing them. Do they contribute to my success?. Not sure they do, but they keep me happy 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Amigos, say adios to Mid life Crisis

It is out officially… Ra one was apparently Shah Rukh Khan’s most expensive mid life crisis.

If you are bothered that you are no longer young and old age is imminent, you’ve probably entered the middle-aged zone through its main gateThe Mid Life Crisis.   Nature's way of telling you  “Heyy buddy.. you are no longer useful”

Mid life crisis is mostly apparent in the age group of 40-60 which includes most of my blog readers  ( the young 'uns reading this blog are bound to reach there some time). Interestingly the crisis lasts for about 3 –10 years in men and 2–5 years in women. Ahh..women always seem to have it good. We live longer and we tend to worry less that we are getting old. We only worry about looking old.
A classic example of mid life crisis is Kevin Spacey’s character in American Beauty who gets bored with his suburban life and crumbling marriage and discovers that dreaming about his daughter’s  female friend can awaken him from his emotional coma. Hope this visual helps (I put this picture up to catch the attention of the 40ish male readers  planning to skip this blog)

 Now that I have your attention, be aware that mid life crisis could be triggered when
-       One realizes he/ she is no longer a tiger or tigress in bed.
-       One loses a loved one ( either he/ she ran away or passed away) 
-       Children leave home ( for higher studies or whatever) 
-       One retires ( you have nothing else to do)

When a man realizes his sexual drive is decreased, the first predictable reaction is to have a image make-over (going for hair transplant/ wardrobe change). Some may  go a step further and have an affair with someone young to see whether he has really lost it.  Or he may spend huge amount of money on something irrational and fanciful just like what Mr Shahrukh did.

Be smart.. don’t waste your money .. set it aside for your knee, hip, coronaries, lens, and other body part replacements.. Head to Thailand instead… no better place to tide over your mid life crisis - its cheaper, better, badder and  bolder.

Don’t agree? I have another option, say Om in Rishikesh. I just did that last week 

Friday, November 11, 2011

To Sis with love

God doesn’t have the time to listen  ... so I guess he made sisters.

All my female friends who have sisters will endorse my views completely and those who don’t have one, read on to know what you are missing (too late to get one now! )... but if you have a daughter, try to get her a sister. For the guys .. well skip this blog... you will never understand!

I come from pre-microsoft era or should I say Doordarshan days when entertainment was available only in limited edition.  No telephones. No chatting with friends.  Even talking to relatives in other cities was a long process where we had to place ‘Trunk calls’ and scream ‘Hello’ more number of times than the actual matter. 

That is where a sister figures in.

A sister would invariably be our first friend or confidante. She would cover up for you .. mostly. She would listen to you..  out of no choice mostly. We would bicker or squabble, but when we are put up against a common opponent  (which would invariably be a parent) we would present a united front.  If one or the other is being reproached for some misdemeanour, the other will inevitably pipe up in defense.

Like wine, the sisterly bond goes so much deeper as we grow older. We have much to discuss - our children, our spouses, our parents and well ...not to miss our ancestral property.

Sibling rivalry or revelry?  In my case it was more of revelry since I was a bully and my sis is such a sweet thing. I admire her quiet yet confident, neutral yet determined, down-to-earth nature. I don’t know what she admires in me.. but I  assume she does

Ok sis.. here it is ...a huge compliment from me as a birthday gift.
 ‘You top the list of things which I didn’t select and is still great’

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy and gay or just a sympathizer?

Guys, have you heard of GLS ? It is an acronym for Gays, Lesbians and Sympathizers.  Gays and lesbians, we all know ..... Sympathizers??? I understand refers to those with an open mind - people who are straight,  but accept/understand the views of the gays.

I am not sure whether I am a sympathizer or not. I am confused. I have no exposure in that area. None of my friends are gay or should I say I have no gay friends? Last night I did see a guy friend giving a peck on the cheek to another .. just for 'fun' and I didn't feel repulsed. So on paper, I would tick the category that I sympathize. But as an after thought I might not.

Picture this phone conversation

Suresh  - Why didn’t you call me the whole  morning?”
Ramesh – I have been very busy with this meeting
Suresh – “But you had time to comment on the update status of Mahesh?”
Ramesh  - (Damm the facebook .. its gonna wreck my relationship) .. “No honey. the meeting was so boring, so I was fiddling with my mobile and just clicked like”
Suresh – But if the meeting was sooo boring, you could have come out and talked to me naah!
Ramesh – Listen, I can’t come out of the board room, but if you come online we can chat for a while … mwah.
Suresh – No its ok ...Btw, I just got myself the spring collection of Victor’s Secret .. would you like to meet up this evening dahling?

Psst... I am neutral. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Teen pathi and the teen hazaar rules

LUCK …. ALCOHOL … MONEY… throw in the occasion to dress up and host parties … the combined high of all these is what make the Diwali Taash parties a huge hit.

Are these parties legal?  Well.. most of these parties fall into the grey area of  'The Public Gaming Act', where the gambling parties take place in residential houses where the house owner is not paid commission for using his premises, thereby escaping the definition of a 'gaming house’. So the games go on and getting better and bigger.

First off.. there are various kinds of games - Teen pathi, poker, black jack, the Indian rummy etc Each group have their own favorite.

Then there are various kind of groups. The serious ones who play as if their life depended on it and those when they play can be mistaken for oldies from the local neighborhood laughing club and I am proud to say that my group is the latter category.

Lastly we have all kinds of people -  those who beg, borrow or steal ( the Kedi Anna types) and those who demand and sometime resort to extortion ( the Goonda Raj types )  . Those who are unfazed when they lose and those who hit the ceiling when they or their spouse win. We have seen the beginners luck and some old timers getting lost and stuck . At some instances an odd couple sweep the stakes. Trust me.. it is nice to win .. Diwali or not. Who ever made up the theory 'Its better to lose in Diwali card party to win the whole year through' must have be a doting grandma or a loser with a sour grape approach

We play Teen Pathi in our group (I am still figuring out how this pathi differs from pathi as in hubby. Liking Teen pathi is like endorsing menage a trois or quatre!! ) We play the normal game and the not-so-normal one which we fondly called variation. We have variations ranging from the oft repeated to some bizarre ones where the dealer himself is confused (.. it is mostly herself) This year the award for the debutant variation went to the Mallu Black Jack where the total is 30 instead of 21.  

This season, yours truly has acquired a new name 'Ram Jethmalini of the group' for acting as a counsel to the distressed. While she happy to be given the honor, she also expects to receive some honorarium.  To begin with, she is planning to release a book by next Diwali - Teen pathi and the teen haazar rules .. gonna cost you only teen sau. 

Happy Pathi


Saturday, October 29, 2011

What the F?

Formula one, the world’s richest sport arrives in India this weekend with a $650 million bet even as Chinese and Korean Grand Prix reported losses. The event is being funded without any government backing, pretty unusual for a debut Grand Prix. Jaypee group, controlled by billionaire founder Jaiprakash Gaur has spent $450 million to build a track and another $200 million in royalties over five years. The company has priced tickets at an average $200 with the most expensive tickets costing up to Rs 1,30,000. As regards entertainment, there are dozens of F1 parties, a Metallica concert and a 20-minute show by Lady Gaga at a track side club.

The Delhi event is basically showcasing the nation’s newfound wealth and power of Indian elite. According to the Credit Suisse Bank, 170 000 Indians out of a population of 1.2 billion are worth between $1m and $50m.  And they will enjoy this weekend of debauchery. (Must mention, some from my family have gone there as well)

Ironically, the track lies just outside the capital's limits in Uttar Pradesh, the vast northern Indian state which has poverty levels often worse than those in sub-Saharan Africa.  The World Bank estimates 800 million people live on less than $2 a day in India and our very own Planning commission has revised the poverty line cut-off figures to Rs 32 a day in urban areas and Rs 26 a day in villages, which would further inflate this number. Earlier this month, we had Mayawathi inaugurating the Noida Park in Uttar Pradesh after spending a whopping Rs 685 crore. 

I remember walking in the streets of Moradabad, Badaun and other districts in UP during my days with the WHO in the late 1990's asking them whether their children took the Polio vaccine.  

I feel like doing the same now, with a different question ‘Did someone take your money?’ 

PS  - Rahul Gandhi is apparently doing what I want to do in UP.. ...me thinks he should start with a certain area in Janpath instead 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Shoots and leaves

This is not the James Bond stuff to shoot and leave. This more of the shoot-and-flush kind 'cos the title refers to ‘shoots and leaves’ as nouns.  

This blog is coming your way, since I told a patient yesterday '"Take fibre" and he gave me a look as if I told him to take his neighbor's' wife or the neighbor himself and asked 'Fibre?'  I understand that my blog readers are an intelligent lot and know shit from Shangri-la… but do you know that dietary fiber is the Shangri-la to prevent a lot of problems.

Our lifestyle has changed so such that our food contains very little amount of fiber.  Fiber is essential to maintain a healthy digestive system.. it softens your poop and ensures a quick and smooth passage. You could call it a travelator of the intestines.

First off, dietary fiber is the undigested residue that is majorly presented in the outer plant wall material.  You could find truckloads of them in fruits, vegetables, peas, lentils, nuts and seed etc. Don't waste your time looking for them in sodas, alcohol, fast foods and dessert. 

Ok.. here is what a fiber-rich diet can do to you.  It lowers your cholesterol… the rascalas of  heart problems.  It also lowers the blood glucose levels and hence useful for people with diabetes too. The best part is fiber rich food is ideal for weight-watchers as it is fills up your stomach without much calories.
Fibre ..optical or dietary is here to stay .. so make hay 

Monday, October 17, 2011

A true Story

There was this man from Pondicherry, India, aged 57 years. He was an extremely lovable person, helpful to everyone and very religious. He had a high profile job, was financially stable and socially well settled. He was a non-smoker, consumed alcohol occasionally and enjoyed good food. He was concerned about his health and went for regular check-ups. He was neither a diabetic nor a hypertensive, had normal cholesterol levels and ECG/TMT were normal. In short he was ‘risk-free’ from heart disease.

He was happy and healthy. At least, that was what he thought….. until one day on his 30th wedding anniversary he had a massive heart attack and did not live to see another day. That man was … my father and today happens to be his birthday.

My father became just another ‘heart disease’ statistic!

He was one of the 50 million Indians who suffer from Coronary Heart Disease 
He belonged to 50% of those for whom heart attack is the first symptom of heart disease
He belonged to 50% of those having heart attack, who die during the first attack.

What had happened? What went wrong? How could a person have normal BP and a normal ECG and then have a massive heart attack later? Had the doctors been negligent? Did they make a mistake while reading the ECG? Or was the ECG itself wrong?

The answers to these questions are not very simple. The conventional diagnostic techniques like ECG, TMT, which failed to detect his heart disease have their own limitations and newer diagnostic procedures are either not available or nor utilized adequately.

My father had to wait for a heart attack to know that he had heart disease, but it was too late.


The above writing is an excerpt from the ‘Welcome address’ made during the inaugural ceremony of Safe Health Heart Centre on his birthday at Hotel Green Park Hyderabad.  Safe Health focuses on Preventive Cardiology. Safe Health has been instrumental in making more than 4000 people and their families happier. 

Thank you Dad ... but I wish you were around!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thank God. its Wednesday

In Hyderabad, the second largest urban Indian agglomerate, a lady can have an alcoholic drink totally free of cost almost throughout the week. 

Surprised?  Don’t be... read on

It is pretty much the same scene in other India metros too. It all started with a humble or should I say ‘noble’ intention to get more women to drink. Not sure who brewed the idea ... but all are merry - the pub owners, the booze manufacturers, the gals and most importantly the guys. Ladies night is not for ladies only. It only means that the fairer sex can have her share of alcohol on the house till a certain time .... no upper limit. It’s drink all u can when you can. And since most women don’t go alone, they get their guy friends along and that’s where the money comes from.  Of course, there are a lot of guys, who would pay even more to watch women drink or get drunk.

Must admit, ladies night is a good sales pitch. Wednesdays was the first choice, where it is assumed that most of us suffer from the mid-week syndrome. A night out on Wednesday sure is refreshing. But for female guzzlers its more fun now with some pub or the other having Ladies night on other days too. 

The only flip side is – you will never find the toilets clean or empty. The young things who cannot hold their drink throw up all over the place, they use the rest room to chat with their boyfriends and amongst themselves and few others doze off in the couch. What happens that night should be a good storyline for HANGOVER-3.   That reminds me of an old line ‘Many things can be preserved in alcohol ... dignity is not one of them’.  And there are long queues... this is the only place in India, where I see ‘first come, first served’ (or first relieved?) religiously followed.

For every six men in India, there is one only one woman consuming alcohol. But if she happens to be in a big city, she only has to look up and say  ‘Thank God it’s a Wednesday’

Sunday, October 2, 2011

INTERNET.. the new Piazza Del Popolu

(Warning – this blog may be didactic and void of humor)

If you think women talk only about shoes and jewelry…guys.. you are sadly mistaken. Last night a routine chat with my intelligent neighbor (named after Goddess of Wealth and in her case also Goddess of Inquisitiviteness)  and her more intelligent Saggi son… well ... was on Tim Berners Lee and his invention. The conversation led to various questions

Are Internet and the Web synonymous?
Who invented Internet and the web?
And who made e-mails possible?

The Internet is basically an interconnection of computer networks. It connects millions of computers globally using something called ‘protocols’.  The internet and Transmission Control Protocols TCP/IP were initially developed in 1973 by an American computer scientist Vinton Cerf for the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA). It was called ARPANET before it came to be called internet.

Today, no government owns Internet. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN,) a non profit corporation headquartered in California is responsible for managing the IP address spaces

Decades later the World Wide Web was invented by a British Physicist Tim Berners-Lee at CERN (European Centre for Nuclear Research) Switzerland. In 1990, he developed the backbone of the Web -- the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and thereby the first web browser. In his own words "I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect it to the Transmission Control Protocol idea and—ta-da!—the World Wide Web”

Both Tim Berners-Lee and Vinton Cerf are called internet daddies (Father of the Internet!)  

The Web is just one of the ways that information can be disseminated over the Internet and hence it is just a portion of the Internet. To put it in a simple way, if Internet is a menu, then the web is the most popular dish.

The Internet, not the Web, is also used for Email which relies on SMTP as against HTTP. Email was invented by Ray Tomlinson an American computer engineer  in 1971 on the ARPANET. Ray used @ symbol to tell which user was "at" what computer. The first email was sent between two computers that were actually beside each other.

The most interesting part is that Tim Berners Lee and his co- inventors Robert Caillau of CERN did not make any money through their invention of www. They refused to patent it. They feared that by doing so, the usage will become prohibitively expensive and thus passed up a fortune so that the world could learn for free.

“The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow”  ~Bill Gates


Piazza del Popolo  (meaning People Square in latin) is a large urban square in Rome designed in 1811 for people to meet and discuss.          More over to 2011.. you know where people are meeting. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Light at the end of the tunnel

Good news from the recent Harvard Medical School Newsletter …  sexuality is not just for the young. Results from a University of Chicago survey suggested that over half of Americans remain sexually active well into their 70s. For most previous studies 59 years was the upper limit.  However, the Chicago study focused exclusively on 3000 older adults between 57 to 85. The results have lent some legitimacy to the subject of sexuality of older people.

More than the outcome of the study, what caught my attention was that - the older adults were now found suitable for study ....  I mean someone actually had this bright idea that older people may be still doing it. Previously older people weren’t included in studies of sexual behavior because they were seen as largely irrelevant to the topic. Written off since they could not participate in the procreation process? 

That said, the results did show that sexual activity does decrease with age. Biological factors do tug in that direction, as do social arrangements. Older people, especially women, often end up single when a spouse or partner dies. Statistics show that at the age of 70, there are 5 women to every man. Isn't that an ironic time for a guy to get those odds? 

In UK, the Manchester City Council published 5,000 copies of sexual education booklet specifically designed to educate elderly people about sexual issues. The reason being elderly have very little experience with condoms or have forgotten how to use them and hence the medical problems were increasing in the elderly! 

The point is – In India do we really care?  We have such social taboos out here that we do not even encourage the young to indulge. No public display of affection... premarital sex is a complete no-no, live-in relationship are still not accepted. So in our country, which researcher would be  interested in studying what the oldies are doing with their goodies. 

So my dear 'ol frens .. men and women .. there really is no pause. The tagline 'Do till you can'.  

Remember 'old' is when you don't care where your spouse goes, as long she does not force you to go with her. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Secrets to stay blissfully stressed

Are you worried about how to stay stressed? Here are some sure ways

1. Never Exercise - Exercise wastes a lot of time that could be spent worrying.

2. Eat anything you want - Hey, if cigarettes can’t keep u healthy, then balanced diet isn’t going to

3. Try to gain weight – Make sure you are at least 15 kgs above your recommended weight.

4. Take plenty of stimulants - caffeine, nicotine, alcohol are just fine. Take loads of them

5. Do away with real time friends - Tell your friends that you don’t have the time for them. Invite all- you-can on Facebook and wait for them to 'like' your comments.

6. Personalize all criticism - Anyone who criticizes your work, children, house, or car is mounting a personal attack. Don't take time to listen. Be offended and return the attack! 

7. Never ask for help – Whether you are male or a female, be macho.  If you want it done right, do it yourself

8. Work hard - Put work before everything else and be sure to take work home evenings and weekends.  That will help meet the sleep deprivation targets

9. Never holiday - Keep reminding yourself that vacations are for losers

10. Become a perfectionist – Set impossibly high standards and either beat yourself up or feel guilty and depressed when you don't meet them. 

11. Forget good time management skills - Schedule in more activities every day than you can possibly get done and then worry about it all whenever you get a chance. 

12. Postpone as much as you can - Putting things off to the last second always produces a marvellous amount of stress. 

13. Worry about big issues - like the stock market, earthquakes, global terrorism and all the other things you can’t control

14. Throw out your sense of humor - Staying stressed is no laughing matter and it shouldn't be treated as one.

15. Dont read my blogs It may be injurious to your health since you may laugh a little or may pick up a few health tips.

If you follow all these religiously there are great chances that you may need to schedule a visit to a Cardiologist clinic very shortly.

FYI – My consultation hours are between 9.00- 1.00 pm when I am not holidaying. (The rest of the time I read books, watch TV, go gymming, chat with friends, party or sleep) 

Ciao... am off on a holiday and shall be back next week.